Where creativity meets innovation
The Maker Commons, located in the Pattee Library, is home to many cutting-edge technological resources. From our 3D printing farm to the Invention Studio, we are here to serve students, faculty, and staff in transforming education. Our staff of Makers are dedicated to helping you utilize technology inside and out of the classroom.
3D Prints in Fall 2022
Maker Commons provides services specifically designed for faculty interested in incorporating maker technologies into their instruction. Our consultants aim to expand student education by helping with the creation and exploration of maker technologies for coursework. Beginners and advanced users across the Penn State community can benefit from access to experienced consultants, training opportunities and production facilities.
Get in Touch
Maker Commons provides dedicated spaces at all Penn State locations with the tools needed to complete the most common maker tasks, no matter which campus you are on. Commonwealth campus locations have full access to our 3D printing service, as well as a traveling kit of littleBits and other maker technologies. University Park has convenient locations that include spaces for creation, including 3D modeling and the Invention Studio.