Markus Fürer

University Park Coordinator
Pattee Knowledge Commons
Get In Touch
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Markus Furer and I am the Media Commons coordinator for University Park. I ensure that our services are running smoothly and enabling students, faculty and staff to incorporate multimedia into their teaching and learning. My day to day involves things like making the schedule, booking and teaching workshops, consulting with students and faculty and planning ways in which to incorporate future emerging technologies into the Media Commons.
I live my life outside of work with my two wonderful children. I surround myself with as much technology as I can and will often spend my free time researching new tech. Movies and video games have always been my entertainment go to.
What equipment do you use?
I consider myself to be fairly platform agnostic in regards to technology. Different technologies excel at different things so I make sure I understand how to use as many as I can. I use a Mac for most of my day to day but will use a Windows machine for anything requiring stronger hardware. I prefer Android phones for their customizability but enjoy using my iPad more than my Android tablet. Overall this makes me to be less dependent on a specific piece of equipment and allows me to be more adaptable.
What apps are your favorite?
Google applications and Gmail are my most important apps. I do almost all my organizing, writing and presentations through Google applications. I choose them because they are cloud-based and will work with any platform.
My podcast app is by far my most used mobile app. I have tried many but am currently using one called Player FM which nicely organized my different subscribed podcast. I also make heavy use of the Kindle app since it easily syncs between all of my devices.