866-386-6110 makercommons@psu.edu


Today, Penn State held a grand opening for the installation of a new 3D printing lab, the Maker Commons. The lab features a large-scale MakerBot Innovation Center designed to help universities and organizations innovate faster, attract talented students or staff, increase collaboration, and compete more effectively. The Maker Commons features 32 MakerBot desktop 3D printers and staff to answer questions and help with projects.

The Maker Commons is housed in Penn State’s Pattee Library and positioned so every student will have access to the lab. Students across all of Penn State’s locations are also able to send projects to the 3D printers via makercommons.psu.edu. Once a student uploads the design, it will be added to a queue of projects waiting to be printed. Once the print request is complete, it’ll be sent to the student through the same delivery system used for intercampus library materials.

Jonathan Jaglom, CEO at MakerBot, says Penn State is preparing students for jobs of the future by bringing a startup mentality to the University and by implementing the online MakerBot Innovation Center product through the Maker Commons website.“MakerBot Innovation Centers teach students skills that they will need for the jobs of tomorrow and gives them a leg up against the competition,” said Jaglom. “Reports show that learning from failure, working collaboratively across disciplines and managing a product from concept to a physical product are skills that employers are looking for,” said Jaglom. “We’re excited to see the new ideas that come from Happy Valley.”

MakerBot Innovation Centers are centralized, scalable 3D printing hubs with large clusters of MakerBot Replicator Desktop 3D Printers. It is a customized solution that includes 3D printers and installation, the proprietary MakerBot Innovation Center Management Platform software, training, support, specialized racks, and filament.

Original story can be found here: http://www.makerbot.com/blog/2016/03/24/penn-state-opens-innovation-center