Maker Commons Hotline
Feel free to stop by during our open hours and speak with a consultant at the Media Commons Service Desk located next to the Invention Studio in W138 Pattee Library.
Spring 25 Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
Note: Consultants will make every effort to respond within one business day.
Schedule Appointments
Live, web-based chat support is available here and on every other page of the Maker Commons website. Just click the icon in the lower right hand corner and a consultant will assist you.
Availability: Chat is open during phone support hours listed above.
Tailored Resources
Maker Commons has created guides that target the unique learning
goals and needs of both student and faculty clients.


More Support Options
Maker Commons provides tailored training for your classes upon request as well as
tutorials and modules that cover all of the services that we support.
Need tailored training on technologies that Maker Commons supports?
Maker Commons offers on-demand workshops for small or large groups who cannot attend the regular scheduled workshops. At University Park these workshops are held in the multimedia classroom located in the Pattee Library Media Commons. At Commonwealth campuses they can be held at your location or online. If your group requires consultation on any of our topics, please contact makercommons@psu.edu.
Looking for information on how to use the software and hardware resources that Maker Commons provides? From modeling in TinkerCAD, to printing objects using our Dremel 3D printers, to sharing your working in the Invention Studio, we’ve got you covered in our Tutorials library.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to contact us using the information at the top of this page.
Ask CLIve
Creative Learning Initiatives (CLI) supports creators through the Media Commons, IMEX Lab and Maker Commons. Our CLIve chatbot leverages artificial intelligence to help you make creative projects that will impress your instructors.