Get Inspired: 3D Printing
New Story takes us on-site in Austin, Texas where their partner, ICON has just 3D printed the first of its homes intended for the developing world. The units, which take less than 24 hours to complete, are projected to cost around $4,000.
On Running, the Swiss newcomer to performance shoes, has developed a novel technique for creating lightweight footwear that they have dubbed LightSpray.
Channel 4 series, Car SOS, completed the interior restoration of a rare Ford Cortina by using an Artec Space Spider scanner.
These three devices allow for users with differing physical and neurological abilities to customize their digital workflows by programming simple or complex actions into easy interactions with hardware.
Rael San Fratello
The architectural duo behind Rael San Fratello fashions itself as an atelier that is engaged in a conversation with the practice of its field.
New Balance + formlabs
By partnering with formlabs, a longstanding pioneer in 3D printers, high end materials and professional software, New Balance has been able to start sprinting down a new path in product development.
Lund University
Lund University details the pioneering work in the overlapping worlds of 3D printing and instrument design that Olaf Diegel has been steeped in over the last several years at Malmö Academy of Music.
Budmen Industries
All around the world, makers are deploying their skills and technologies to help with the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. CNN profiles one couple, Stephanie Keef + Isaac Budmen who have transformed their home-based 3D printing business.
Tactile Astronomy
Dr Nicolas Bonne at the University of Portsmouth is helping not only himself but others who are captivated by astronomy study the cosmos without relying on vision alone.
Starting out with an in-store hack-a-thon, IKEA Israel launched the ThisAbles project to make its most popular products more usable for customers with disabilities.
The Times visits Dutch design firm, MX3D to learn more about the 3D printed, stainless steel pedestrian bridge they have designed to span the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal in their home city, Amsterdam.
Food Ink
Opened in London’s Shoreditch neighborhood in late 2016, the Food Ink restaurant concept invites diners to sample innovative recipes – that are 3D printed at their table, on demand.
How Do These Technologies IMPACT Society?
The Teaching and Learning with Technology IMPACT Deck is an exploratory, card-based game that aims to introduce students, faculty and staff of all ages and backgrounds to a wide variety of situations in which established and emerging technologies impact society.